Open Guard vs Closed Guard: Which Technique Reigns Supreme?

– The closed guard and open guard are two different positions in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ)
– The closed guard involves the practitioner closing their legs around the opponent’s waist, providing control and allowing for submissions and sweeps.
– The open guard does not involve closing the legs around the opponent’s waist and allows for transitions to different guard positions.
– The closed guard is considered a top offensive guard, offering control and various submission options.
– The open guard encourages creativity, offers a range of sweeps and attacks, and allows for transitions to different guards.
– The open guard can create distance from the opponent, making it harder for them to strike, making it safer for self-defense and MMA.
– The closed guard can leave the bottom player vulnerable to strikes, particularly in MMA and self-defense situations.
– The open guard is used in gi and no-gi grappling at the advanced level.
– The closed guard can be easier to pass compared to the open guard, especially for lower-ranked belts.
– The lack of body connections in the open guard can make it more challenging for beginners to control their opponents.
– It is recommended for practitioners to learn both the open guard and closed guard for defense and offense.
– Readers are invited to share their favorite guard position.

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