Mastering the Art of Haircutting: Taper Clipper Guards Explained

Here is a list of pertinent keywords based on the given text ‘The article does not provide any facts, stats, or figures. It primarily talks about the personal motivation behind the creation of the product and its benefits. The article is about the Wahl 3106-450 Right Ear Taper Attachment Comb Black, which is a guard/attachment comb used by barbers. It fits all of Wahl’s professional clippers and is specifically designed to trim the areas around the ear. It is made of plastic and is resistant but can be easily broken by hand. It is not guaranteed to fit other brands of clippers. It does not fit mini clippers or trimmers. Some customers have successfully used it with certain full-size clippers, but it does not fit clippers with a different type of blade set.’

taper clipper guards
Wahl 3106-450 Right Ear Taper Attachment Comb Black
professional clippers
trim areas around the ear
easily broken
other brands of clippers
mini clippers
fit full-size clippers
different type of blade set

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Discover the Ultimate Guide to Remington Clippers Guards:

– The article does not provide any specific information, facts, stats, or figures about Remington clippers guards.
– Hair clippers and trimmers follow a numbering system from 1 to 8 for different hair lengths.
– Different brands may vary slightly in length.
– Clipper guards are a way to communicate with the stylist about the desired haircut.
– The lower the guard number, the shorter the hair will be.
– Higher number guards leave hair longer, while lower number guards result in shorter hair.
– Clippers are typically used for shorter haircuts, while scissors are used for medium-length or long hair.
– The taper lever on clippers can adjust the length by moving the cutting blade closer or farther from the fixed blade.
– Closed taper is the default option for the listed clipper guard lengths, while an open taper leaves hair longer.
– The lever can be adjusted between closed and open for a more gradual blend and taper.
– Without a clipper guard and with the lever closed, the closest cut to the skin is achieved.
– The article provides a table with the haircut number system, the corresponding clipper guard size, and example hairstyles for each.
– Number 0 = No blade, closest to a buzz cut
– Number 1 = 1/8 of an inch, creates a buzz cut look
– Number 2 = 1/4 of an inch, gives a fuller look with less scalp exposure
– Number 3 = 3/8 of an inch, last guard for a buzz cut look with low maintenance
– Number 4 = 1/2 inch, closer to a crew cut
– Number 5 = 5/8 of an inch, used in tapers and closer to a crew cut
– Number 6 = 3/4 of an inch, enough hair to style
– Number 7 = 7/8 of an inch
– Number 8 is equal to 1 inch and is best used to create length on top.
– It is recommended to consult a hairstylist or barber who understands the desired look and the haircut number system to achieve the desired hairstyle.

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Guards for Wahl Clippers: A Comprehensive Guide

List of pertinent information about guards for Wahl clippers:

– Clipper guards are used to communicate the desired haircut to a stylist.
– The numbers on the guards indicate the length of hair that will be left.
– Different brands may have slight variations in length.
– The lower the guard number, the shorter the hair.
– Guard numbers range from 0 to 8, or sometimes up to 10.
– A 0 guard means no blade and creates a traditional “Buzz Cut” look.
– Guard 1 is 1/8 of an inch, creating a buzz cut style.
– Guard 2 is 1/4 of an inch, still in the buzz cut category.
– Guard 3 is 3/8 of an inch.
– Guard 4 is 1/2 inch, closer to a crew cut style.
– Guard 5 is 5/8 of an inch, often used in tapering.
– Guard 6 is 3/4 of an inch, another length for tapering.
– Guard 7 is 7/8 of an inch.
– Guard 8 is equivalent to 1 inch, used for creating length on top.
– The article suggests trying out clippers and guards at a local Hair Mechanix.
– Communicating with a stylist and bringing pictures for reference is recommended.
– The article encourages readers to visit a local Hair Mechanix for further assistance.

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