Growing out a mohawk: Tips for seamless style evolution

List of pertinent information about growing out a mohawk:

– Growing out a mohawk involves two options: going short all-around or stopping cutting the sides and growing different-length hair.
– The author shares their personal experience with growing out a mohawk and mentions having had two mohawks in their life.
– They are currently letting their hair grow at two different lengths.
– The author provides updates on their hair growth progress, mentioning the number of days since their last haircut and commenting on different phases of growth.
– Considerations for managing hair during the summer are briefly discussed.
– The idea of using a wig is mentioned.
– The person in the article has been growing out their hair for 177 days, and later mentions reaching 200 days and then 209 days since their last haircut.
– The author expresses their love for having a mohawk and considers getting another one in the future.
– It has been 738 days since their mohawk was cut off.
– Their hair has grown without any cuts, trims, or extensions for two years and one week.
– The author suggests that it might be time for another mohawk soon, as 1,182 days has reset to zero.

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