Lever Open vs Closed: Unveiling the Mechanisms and Applications

– The taper lever on clippers controls the cutting length, with closed lever settings cutting more hair and open lever settings cutting less hair.
– Different clipper guards can be used with the lever open or closed to achieve different cutting lengths.
– Gradually decreasing the guard length with the lever closed creates a fade effect.
– Keeping the lever closed and swapping between guards provides more control and simplifies the process of cutting hair.
– Closed clippers have non-adjustable cutting blades, providing a specific length or cut.
– Closed clippers are known for precise and detailed cuts, making them suitable for buzz cuts, high n’ tight, and crewcuts.
– Closed clippers are more suitable for shorter hair lengths and styles that require a consistent length throughout the haircut.
– Open clippers offer versatility and customization, while closed clippers provide precision and consistency.
– Closed clippers require less maintenance as the fixed blades do not need much adjustment.
– Open clippers generally range in price from $30 to $50, while closed clippers can range from $12.99 to $210.50.
– The choice between open and closed clippers depends on personal preferences, desired hair length, and hairstyling goals.

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