Open Clippers vs Closed: Which is Safer for Haircuts?

Beard Trimmer Tips

When it comes to hair clippers, there are two camps: open clippers and closed clippers.

Each one has its own unique features and benefits that cater to different hairstyling needs.

Whether you’re a barber or someone who loves experimenting with their own hair, understanding the differences between open and closed clippers can make a world of difference in achieving that perfect look.

So, get ready to dive into the fascinating world of clippers, where style and versatility collide.

open clippers vs closed

The choice between open clippers and closed clippers depends on personal preferences and the desired style.

Open clippers are particularly effective for creating sharp line-ups, fades, and intricate designs.

They provide longer hair lengths and cuts such as side-part hairstyles, pompadours, textured crops, and tapers.

However, they may require more frequent cleaning due to the exposed blades.

Closed clippers, on the other hand, offer a safer and more controlled cutting experience, making them suitable for beginners.

They have a fixed blade system, meaning that the cutting length is predetermined and cannot be adjusted.

They are ideal for creating bald and crew cuts.

So, ultimately, the decision between open clippers and closed clippers boils down to personal preference and the desired hairstyle.

Key Points:

  • Choice between open clippers and closed clippers depends on personal preferences and desired style
  • Open clippers create sharp line-ups, fades, and intricate designs; allow for longer hair lengths and cuts like side-part hairstyles, pompadours, textured crops, and tapers
  • Open clippers may require more frequent cleaning due to exposed blades
  • Closed clippers offer safer and more controlled cutting experience, making them suitable for beginners
  • Closed clippers have fixed blade system, cutting length cannot be adjusted
  • Closed clippers are ideal for creating bald and crew cuts

open clippers vs closed – Watch Video


Pro Tips:

1. Open clippers were commonly used in barber shops during the 19th century for shaving and haircutting. To sterilize them between uses, barbers would often dip the open clippers in a solution of Barbicide, a popular disinfectant used in the industry.

2. Closed clippers, also known as hair trimmers or electric clippers, were not invented until the early 20th century. The first patent for an electric hair clipper was granted in 1921 to Leo J. Wahl, who founded the Wahl Clipper Corporation.

3. Did you know that Santa Claus is often depicted with open clippers in vintage illustrations? This is because in the old days, barbers used to play the role of both hairdresser and surgeon, and Santa Claus was seen as a mix of the two professions, so he would be shown with open clippers in hand.

4. Closed clippers gained popularity during the 1950s when military-style buzz cuts became trendy among men. Many soldiers returning from World War II brought home the style, and closed clippers made it easier and faster to achieve this clean, short look.

5. In the world of dog grooming, open clippers are often favored by professionals for precision cutting. The open design allows groomers to see exactly where the blade is cutting the fur, making it easier to create intricate patterns and styles on dogs with long or curly hair.

1. Open Clippers For Sharp Line-Ups, Fades, And Designs

Open clippers have gained popularity among barbers and hairstylists for their effectiveness in achieving sharp line-ups, fades, and intricate designs. These clippers have a unique design that enables precise and detailed work. The open blade system offers enhanced visibility, enabling professionals to easily see the areas they are working on and ensure clean and precise cuts.

When it comes to creating fades, open clippers are a hairstylist’s best friend. The exposed blade design allows for seamless transitions between different hair lengths, resulting in a smooth and even faded effect. This makes open clippers an indispensable tool in achieving popular hairstyles such as the high fade or the undercut.

In addition to fades, open clippers are also ideal for creating intricate designs. The exposed blade provides artists with greater control and precision, allowing them to etch patterns or pictures into the hair. This feature has solidified open clippers as a staple in the world of hair artistry.

  • Open clippers are effective for creating sharp line-ups, fades, and intricate designs
  • The open blade system enhances visibility for precise and detailed work
  • Seamless transitions between hair lengths can be achieved with open clippers, resulting in smooth fades
  • Open clippers are essential for popular hairstyles like the high fade or undercut
  • Artists can create intricate designs using open clippers due to their precise control
  • Open clippers have become a staple tool in the world of hair artistry.

“Open clippers are a game-changer for barbers and hairstylists, providing them with the ability to create sharp and precise hairstyles with ease.”

2. Closed Clippers With Fixed Blade System

Closed clippers, on the other hand, have a fixed blade system, which means that the cutting length is predetermined and cannot be adjusted. This makes them ideal for achieving consistent and uniform haircuts, especially when it comes to shorter styles like bald and crew cuts. The fixed blade system eliminates the need for constant adjustments, making closed clippers more straightforward to use for beginners.

Closed clippers offer a safer and more controlled cutting experience. The lack of exposed blades reduces the risk of accidental cuts or nicks, providing peace of mind for both professionals and their clients. This feature makes closed clippers an excellent choice for those who prioritize safety or are still learning the art of hairstyling.

  • Closed clippers have a fixed blade system
  • Ideal for consistent and uniform haircuts
  • Great for shorter styles like bald and crew cuts
  • Simplifies the cutting process for beginners

Closed clippers offer a safer and more controlled cutting experience. The lack of exposed blades reduces the risk of accidental cuts or nicks.

3. Cleaning Needs Of Open Clippers

It’s important to note that open clippers may require more frequent cleaning compared to closed clippers. The design of open clippers exposes the blades, making them more prone to collecting hair, product residue, and debris. Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain the performance and longevity of the clippers.

To clean open clippers, professionals typically remove the blades and use a brush to gently remove any hair or debris that has accumulated. They may also use a cleaning solution or spray specifically designed for clipper blades to ensure proper sanitation. While this process may take a bit more time and effort, it is crucial to keep the clippers in optimal condition for effective use.

4. Maintenance Requirements Of Closed Clippers

In contrast, closed clippers generally require less maintenance. The fixed blade system simplifies the cleaning process as there are fewer crevices for hair and debris to get trapped in. Cleaning closed clippers typically involves removing the detachable blades and brushing away any hair or debris.

Additionally, closed clippers may only need occasional oiling to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Applying a few drops of clipper oil to the blades is typically sufficient to maintain their performance. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance and care to ensure the longevity of the clippers.

  • Closed clippers require less maintenance
  • Fixed blade system simplifies cleaning process
  • Fewer crevices for hair and debris to get trapped in
  • Cleaning involves removing detachable blades and brushing away hair/debris
  • Occasional oiling ensures smooth and efficient operation
  • Apply few drops of clipper oil to the blades
  • Follow manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance and care

5. Cost Range: Open Vs Closed Clippers

When it comes to cost, both open and closed clippers can have significant price variations. On average, open clippers are priced between $30 and $50, depending on the brand and features. These clippers may include additional attachments and accessories, which contribute to their higher price.

Closed clippers, on the other hand, have a wider price range. Basic models can be found for as low as $12.99, while high-end professional-grade clippers can reach prices as high as $210.5. The price variation mainly depends on the brand, features, and included accessories.

When deciding on the clippers to purchase, it is crucial to consider the quality, durability, and specific hairstyling needs. Additionally, take into account factors such as budget and the level of expertise required for the desired hairstyle.

To summarize:

  • Open clippers: priced between $30 and $50, depending on brand and features.
  • Closed clippers: range from as low as $12.99 for basic models to as high as $210.5 for high-end professional-grade clippers.

6. Personal Preferences In Choosing Clippers

The choice between open and closed clippers ultimately depends on personal preferences and desired style outcomes. Some hairstylists may prefer open clippers for their precision and versatility in creating intricate designs and fades. Others may prefer the simplicity and safety of closed clippers, as they are easier to use and maintain.

It is essential to consider your level of expertise, the type of haircuts you frequently perform, and the overall comfort and control you desire when choosing clippers. Experimenting with different types of clippers may help you determine which style aligns best with your skills and preferences.

  • Consider personal preferences and desired style outcomes
  • Evaluate the precision and versatility of open clippers
  • Assess the simplicity and safety of closed clippers
  • Reflect on your expertise level and the types of haircuts you frequently perform
  • Prioritize comfort and control in your decision-making process

“Choosing the right clippers depends on a variety of factors, including personal preferences and desired outcomes.”

7. Safety And Control With Closed Clippers

Closed clippers are ideal for beginners or those who prioritize safety, as they offer a safer and more controlled cutting experience. The fixed blade system reduces the risk of accidental nicks or cuts, providing peace of mind during hairstyling sessions.

Furthermore, closed clippers provide a consistent cutting length, which is crucial for achieving uniform haircuts. This is especially important when creating bald and crew cuts, where precision and an even length are essential. The closed design of these clippers enhances control, making it easier to follow the desired hair pattern and achieve desired results.

8. Creating Bald And Crew Cuts With Closed Clippers

Closed clippers are highly effective in creating bald and crew cuts. The fixed blade system guarantees an even length all around, resulting in a polished and professional appearance. Moreover, the closed design significantly minimizes the chances of accidentally nicking the scalp, making closed clippers the preferred choice for achieving close-shaved styles.

Barbers and hairstylists who regularly perform bald or crew cuts depend on closed clippers due to their efficiency and user-friendly nature. These clippers are essential tools in achieving a flawless finish, thanks to their consistent cutting length and safe design.

9. Long Hair Lengths And Trendy Cuts With Open Clippers

Open clippers are preferred when working with longer hair lengths or when creating trendy cuts such as side-part hairstyles, pompadours, textured crops, and tapers. The exposed blade design and precision of open clippers make it easier to achieve the desired length and style for these haircuts.

The adjustable taper lever is a significant advantage of open clippers when it comes to long hair lengths. It allows barbers and hairstylists to cater to their clients’ preferences by adjusting the closeness between the blades and achieving different hair lengths. This versatility is particularly beneficial when creating trendy hairstyles that require varying lengths and layered textures.

10. Taper Lever For Different Hair Lengths

The taper lever on hair clippers is a valuable tool that allows for different hair lengths. This lever adjusts the closeness between the blades, enabling professionals to create gradual fades and tailored lengths. Open clippers, with their exposed blades, make the taper lever even more effective in achieving diverse haircuts and styles.

By adjusting the taper lever, barbers and hairstylists can seamlessly blend different portions of the haircut, creating a smooth and natural transition from shorter to longer hair. This versatility is particularly useful when working on hairstyles that emphasize fades or textured cuts.

In conclusion, while open clippers excel in achieving sharp line-ups, fades, and intricate designs, closed clippers offer a safer and more controlled cutting experience, making them ideal for beginners or those prioritizing safety. The choice between open and closed clippers ultimately comes down to personal preference and desired style outcomes. Whether you opt for open or closed clippers, both styles have their unique advantages and can help you achieve the perfect haircut.


You may need to know these questions about open clippers vs closed

Does open clipper cut more?

Yes, when the open clipper is used, it cuts less hair compared to when the taper lever is closed. The reason for this is that when the taper lever is closed, the blade is positioned at its lowest cutting position, allowing it to cut more hair. On the other hand, when the taper lever is open, the blade is at its longest cutting position, resulting in less hair being cut. This feature is particularly useful when precision and control are required for certain haircuts or styles, as it allows for more detailed and gradual cutting. However, it is important to note that with standard clipper blades set at 000 to 1, without being zero gapped, the difference in the amount of hair being cut between the open and closed positions may be relatively small.

Does closed clippers cut more?

The closed clippers tend to cut hair closer to the scalp compared to the open position. When using a smaller guard size, such as No. 1 or No. 2, in the closed position, the clippers will provide a precise and shorter cut. However, if you prefer a longer and softer cut, using the clippers in the open position with a larger guard size will achieve the desired result. Ultimately, the decision on whether closed clippers cut more, in terms of closeness or length, depends on the chosen guard size and lever position that best suits your desired haircut.

Is open clipper the same as one guard?

Yes, an open clipper guard is different from a one guard. When using a closed clipper guard 1, you will have â…› inches of hair left, whereas an open clipper guard 1 will leave you with 3/16 inches of hair. Although the difference may seem slight, it does play a role in the hair blending and tapering process.

Which clipper blade cuts the longest?

The Oster Turbo A5 #10 blade is renowned for delivering the longest cut among clipper blades. Designed specifically for heavy-duty use and thick coats, this blade leaves the fur at a length of 1/16 of an inch, allowing for a significant reduction in length compared to other blades. Its unique construction and sharp teeth ensure a precise and clean cut, making it a popular choice for professional groomers seeking to maintain a longer coat length while still achieving a neat and polished look.

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